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B G   C O N D U C T I N G   S T U D I E S

DMA, Contemporary Music

The College of Musical Arts of Bowling Green State University offers the Doctor of Musical Arts in Contemporary Music with specializations in composition or performance (conducting, instrumental or vocal). We define contemporary music as art music created after 1945, although chronological flexibility may be permitted according to individual interests.

The DMA develops versatile composers and performers through concentrated focus on contemporary music. The degree is grounded in applied study in composition or performance, but goes beyond traditional boundaries by integrating these practices in multidisciplinary seminars and discovering new contexts through studies in culture, digital media and music cognition. It provides the creative and academic environment necessary to give students opportunities for critical analysis, creative examination, cultivation of enhanced musical thinking, pedagogical training and experience, flexible curricular programming and traditional as well as nontraditional performing experiences. The individual who chooses Bowling Green State University for advanced study in music will work in an environment guided by faculty mentors who encourage creative inquiry.

MM, Orchestral Conducting

The masters degree program in orchestral conducting at Bowling Green is for students who have a strong background, are musically talented and are looking for a demanding, but rewarding experience. Masters students prepare all the repertoire being performed by Bowling Green orchestras and have the opportunity to conduct in rehearsal and performance. A regular graduate seminar is held that covers repertoire development, score study, conducting technique, and many professional issues such as writing a resumé, cultivating contacts in the field, creating a DVD and much more.



For further information please contact Dr. Brown at

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